La Fábrica Colapsada

Research and conceptualisation: Alejandro Franco Briones as a part of his doctoral dissertation

Many thanks to the supervisory committee for all th conversations and support to this research process: David Ogborn, Sara Bannerman and Andrea Zeffiro.

Composition 'sub-bass echo' fixed media, spatial arrangement of 'all the struggles of the world', data sonification (supported by the National Seismic System of UNAM), and 'rupture' fixed media: Alejandro Franco Briones.


Music Direction: Alejandro Franco Briones, Iván López Pineda y Diego Villaseñor de Cortina.

Together we are Pirarán, hire us for your weddings or natural disasters via telepathy.

Recording made on 5th of June, 2024, performed live from multiple locations: NIL (Networked Imagination Laboratory), studio of Iván López Pineda, and Piracantos Studio of Diego Villaseñor de Cortina.

Iván López Pineda: Improvisation with digital and semi-analogue synthesisers in 'all the struggles of the world' and the three acts. Diego Villaseñor de Cortina: live coding with MiniTidal in 'all the struggles of the world', improvisation with digital synthesisers in the three acts, and creation and implementation of tuning system: ShurNot. Alejandro Franco Briones: live coding with MinitTidal in 'all the struggles of the world' and TimekNot in the three acts.

Field Recoridngs in 'all the struggles of the world': Iván López Pineda, Alejandro Franco Briones, Sara Swerdlyk, EZLN (public domain), nicotep (

Mix: Alejandro Franco Briones, Iván López Pineda and Diego Villaseñor de Cortina.

Mix Direction: Diego Villaseñor de Cortina.

Mastering: Iván López Pineda.


Landing site visuals and animation: Diego Villaseñor de Cortina.

Live Coded Visuals: Alejandro Franco Briones using Punctual.


First version implemented and dseigned by Alejandro Franco Briones.

This version implemented and designed by Diego Villaseñor de Cortina.